5 Rabbit Huitzi 2016

Tripel · 8.7% ABV · ~280 calories

5 Rabbit Cerveceria · Bedford Park, IL


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Beer Description

A Belgian Strong Golden Ale, brewed with hibiscus flowers, ginger, thai palm sugar and local Chicago honey. Huitzi is a winter beer that doesn´t wallow in the dark cold days of this season. Like it’s namesake, the Aztec hummingbird god Huitzilopoctli who smashed the winter to allow the sun to return, Huitzi looks forward to the brighter promise of spring. We think of it as a winter cooler. As all our creations, this beer has it’s own Latin twist as it is brewed with flor de jamaica (hibiscus flower). The idea for this beer came when thinking about food and family gatherings. In Latin America, all family gatherings have something in common, “aguas frescas.” An agua fresca is fresh fruit or flowers diluted in water and (sometimes) sweetened. They are typically served at lunchtime in almost every restaurant in Mexico and Central America. The term means fresh water and their creativity and simplicity appeals to us. Aguas frescas represent a time with family, colleagues or friends as they gather and share a meal. A time to disconnect from the daily routine and enjoy food and conversation.

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