Royal Docks Baba Yaga

Porter 路 7.2% ABV 路 ~150 calories

Royal Docks Brewing Company 路 North Canton, OH


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Beer Description

Baba Yaga Coffee Porter starts as a rich, smooth Porter with a roasty malt backbone. We then cold-steep whole Brazil Cerrado coffee beans gently roasted locally by Muggswigz.

Baba Yaga Coffee Porter starts as a rich, smooth Porter with a roasty malt backbone. We then cold-steep whole Brazil Cerrado coffee beans gently roasted locally by Muggswigz. The soft, complex and highly prized Cerrado imparts a distinctly nutty coffee aroma and subtle layers of chocolate, toast and woody char. Baba Yaga pours near black with a tan head and finishes with a dry, clean, roasted bitterness.

OG: 16掳P
FG: 3掳P
IBU: 43
ABV: 7.2%

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