Greenbrier Valley BBA Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout · 9.0% ABV · ~320 calories
Greenbrier Valley Brewing Company · Maxwelton, WV
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Beer Description
Aromas of bourbon, vanilla, rich malty sweetness, and an array of deep oak notes. A toasty, roasty, chocolatey, oaky harmony of flavor.
From our Brewer – Will Gudmundsson:
“A near-opaque, dark brown pint with a suspensefully slow-forming head. The nose is greeted with the warming aromas of bourbon, vanilla, rich malty sweetness, and an array of deep oak notes. An intense and complex medley of specialty grains upon a bold malt backbone lends intricate dark caramel and dried dark fruit notes up front, evolving into a toasty, roasty, chocolatey, oaky harmony of flavor, with the warming sensations of West Virginia whiskey, and resolving to a round roasted finish accompanied by a slight lingering hop bitterness. Enjoy this end-of-winter warmer together as we await the coming of spring.”

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