DuClaw Gose O's
Gose · 5.5% ABV · ~150 calories
DuClaw Brewing Company · Hanover, MD
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Beer Description
Combined with one member of our brew staff’s craving for a beer that tastes like a prosciutto-wrapped melon lead to this unique twist on the classic German salt
Our devotion to Baltimore’s official colors of summer – orange and black – combined with one member of our brew staff’s craving for a beer that tastes like a prosciutto-wrapped melon lead to this unique twist on the classic German salty brew. Infusions of cantaloupe and black lava sea salt strike the perfect balance of sweet and salty flavors, while an addition of oak-smoked wheat to the grain bill imbues the beer with hints of smoke, creating a complex and sophisticated, yet highly refreshing and drinkable summer brew.

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