Sly Fox Grisette
Grisette · 5.6% ABV · ~130 calories
Sly Fox Brewing Company · Pottstown, PA
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Beer Description
Grisette is a Belgian farmhouse ale which was originally brewed in the Hainaut Province to be the beer of the miners in the area, just as Saison.
Grisette is a Belgian style ale which was originally brewed in the Hainaut province to be the beer of the miners in the area, just as Saison was the beer of the farmers. It was lighter than Saison and frequently contained wheat as well as barley malt (as does the Sly Fox version). The name is derived from the French word for “gray,” referring to both the drab factory frocks worn by the young women (the grisettes) who doled out pints as the men exited from the mines, and also the color of the cobblestone rock being mined.

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