Bøgedal No. 103
Black Ale · 6.3% ABV
Bøgedal Bryghus · Vejle, Belgium
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Beer Description
Bøgedal No. 103, 6.3%
”Of course, there come charming brewers out of the Vejle River Valley. Brewer Casper Vorting has found a magical formula for beer, that justifies that it is also Denmark’s most costly. He doesn’t try to interpret an IPA, a monastery brew, a Bock, or for that matter any other of the many beer types. Beer from Bøgedal is Bøgedal Beer in their own, styled fashion. No. 103 – the number signifies the succession in order of brews – is like most Bøgedals round, soft, vitally emotional and discreetly seductive. With a hint of Porter, a bit of chocolate and zesty orange, coupled with a 6.3% kick, it has a bit more of a love-bite than the brewers other passionate undertakings.
Dark Ale with Northern Brewer, Orange, Brown Sugar.
Dark-brown beer with a dark-brown head. Smells sweet of prunes and citrus with an acidic tip. It fills the palate with its sweetness, and opens up into a pleasant bitterness. Hangs in the mouth like a dark chocolate with a faint smoky aftertaste. Goes well with venison and chestnuts, blackberries and brussell sprouts, smoked or salted meats.

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