Royal Docks Pendragon
Witbier · 5.8% ABV · ~150 calories
Royal Docks Brewing Company · North Canton, OH
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Beer Description
Rather than hops, Pendragon RareWit relies on a pantheon of herbs and spices – many native to the Welsh Countryside – to provide a refreshing citrusy floral balance to the sweetness of barley malt and unmalted wheat.
According to legend, King Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon, was possessed of two magical ales. Pendragon RareWit is our homage to the first of those beers – magically ‘wrought in Avalon’ to refresh knights after battle and imbue them with the ‘courage of the Red Dragon’. Rather than hops, Pendragon RareWit relies on a pantheon of herbs and spices – many native to the Welsh Countryside – to provide a refreshing citrusy floral balance to the sweetness of barley malt and unmalted wheat.

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