Wort Hog Keg Lifter beer

Wort Hog Keg Lifter

Scotch Ale · 7.2% ABV · ~150 calories

Wort Hog Brewing Company · Warrenton, VA


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Beer Description

Our Keg Lifter Scottish Style Wee Heavy is a hearty, malty ale made to “warm yer heed up” during the cold winter months. Deep amber coloured.

Our Keg Lifter Scottish Style Wee Heavy is a hearty, malty ale made to “warm yer heed up” during the cold winter months. Deep amber coloured, our Keg Lifter has a toffee and almost nutty aroma. In the flavor, you’ll notice notes of caramel and sweet raisin while still finishing dry. Not sticky nor cloying.

Keg Lifter is named after our keg lift, that helps us to get our kegs to our rooftop bar. Always there with the assist, you can always count on Keg Lifter. The Scots would WELCOME an ale such as this!

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