Royal Docks Hoptopod
IPA · 7.6% ABV · ~220 calories
Royal Docks Brewing Company · North Canton, OH
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Beer Description
The source of Hoptopod IPA’s monster hop flavour lurks in the deepest fathoms of the Seven Cs: Ohio-grown Cascade, Columbus, Centennial, Crystal, Celeia, Cluster and Citra hops. Locally sourced malt from West Branch Malts is the base of this brew.
Conceived among the rows at Second Sons’ Hopyards & raised in the steamy halls of our brewhouse, the source of Hoptopod IPA’s monster hop flavour lurks in the deepest fathoms of the Seven Cs: Ohio-grown Cascade, Columbus, Centennial, Crystal, Celeia, Cluster and Citra hops. Locally sourced malt from West Branch Malts is the base of this brew.

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