Wort Hog Cream Ale

Cream Ale · 5.0% ABV · ~160 calories

Wort Hog Brewing Company · Warrenton, VA


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Beer Description

Our Cream Ale is a light bodied ale with low fruity esters and neither malt nor hops prevailing. It is balanced, subtle and highly quaffable.

So… you’re looking to try a cream ale. Let’s get this out of the way first. No… it’s not creamy, though you’re not the first nor last to think that it is.
In the early 19th century, the good ol’ US of A had a huge influx of German immigrants. And their desire for the pale lagers of their homelands followed them. Due to generally colder temps and local preference, Northeastern brewers were predominantly ale brewers, so they hatched a strategy to provide a similar brew for their quickly growing clientele.
Prior to prohibition many NE brewers brewed a light bodied ale known as a “present use” ale (it was not made to sit on the shelf), which is effectively what a Cream Ale is: a cold fermented ale. Thus was born the Cream Ale.
Our Cream Ale is a light bodied ale with low fruity esters and neither malt nor hops prevailing. It is balanced, subtle and highly quaffable. To achieve this delicate balance, the addition of rice and/or corn adjuncts to lighten the body. We used some flaked maize (corn). Historically, the dominant cream ales of the Northeast were Pre-Prohibition style lagers, but fermented with ale yeast at lager temperatures. Ours harkens back to an earlier time where immigrants thirst were satisfied by pioneering American brewers. Cheers!

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