Firestone Walker Parabola 2019
Russian Imperial Stout · 13.0% ABV · ~320 calories
Firestone Walker Brewing Company (Duvel Moortgat) · Paso Robles, CA
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Beer Description
This Russian imperial oatmeal stout is aged for a full year in Heaven Hill barrels, developing flavors of rich, chewy roasted malts.
Parabola is a beer of darkness and immensity, a barrel-aged beast that is routinely ranked as one of the top beers in the world. This Russian imperial oatmeal stout is aged for a full year in Heaven Hill barrels, developing flavors of rich, chewy roasted malts, charred oak and bourbony vanilla. Parabola bares its teeth with its impenetrable black hue and soaring alcohol, yet its bite remains refined with a silky, balanced finish.

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