BrewDog Libertine Black Ale
Black IPA 路 7.0% ABV 路 ~220 calories
BrewDog 路 Fraserburgh, UK
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Beer Description
Libertine Black Ale is a 7% wickedly decadent black beast of a beer that has been hammered with the epic Simcoe hop.
With a drinkability that defies its colour and depth of flavour, Libertine delivers a dark hop bomb combining the west coast hop awesomeness of an IPA, the dark and indulgent malt flavours of big stout with a lightness on the palate that bellies the punch that this beer packs. Bags of flavour and loads of hops. We intend to bottle some of this batch for those not lucky enough to make it to a BrewDog Bar to try it.

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