Malka Pale Ale
English Pale Ale · 5.5% ABV · ~160 calories
Malka Brewery · Yehiam, Yehiam
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Beer Description
A murky dark apricot/honey orange with two-finger fluffy head that retains just so-so. Some yeast sediment clinging to bottle base.
Carbonation clings to sides of glass from initial pour, but otherwise not much bubble activity,subdued while still cold — crisp floral and pleasant maltiness, no generic beer aroma.A very nice and somewhat complex balance between floral hoppy bitterness and slight molasses/licorice malt/yeast. No fruity notes of any kind from the hops, just floral, and the hop profile opens up nicely as the beer warms in the glass, like a daffodil bush in the early morning hours.

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