Rockwell Foeder Fest
Oktoberfest 路 5.7% ABV 路 ~170 calories
Rockwell Beer Co. 路 St. Louis, MO
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Beer Description
Complex bready structure, floral tone and a polite, balanced bitterness. Lagered in Missouri white oak for 2 months, which imparted a delicate vanilla and spice.
Foeder Fest is festbier we lagered in a Missouri white oak foeder for 2 months. Foeder Fest is our interpretation of a German festbier, the paler and drier younger sibling of M盲rzen. We combined some of our favorite Pilsner, Munich, and Vienna malts to create a complex bready structure before hopping it with Hersbrucker, Tradition, and Mittelfrueh for a festively floral tone and a polite, balanced bitterness. We then lagered it Missouri white oak for 2 months before packaging, which imparted a delicate vanilla and spice and rounded out all the corners for maximum drinkability. This is one to be consumed in quantity. Prost!

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