Royal Docks Somer
Barrel Aged · 8.9% ABV
Royal Docks Brewing Company · North Canton, OH
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Beer Description
A bright, copper-hued ale with delicate notes of wildflower and grass layered over piquant flavors of pear, leather and oak gained over two years laid down in whiskey and rum barrels.
A bright, copper-hued ale with delicate notes of wildflower and grass layered over piquant flavors of pear, leather and oak gained over two years laid down in whiskey and rum barrels.
LOST YEAR SERIES: The year 2020 was the lost year; rare are the things which emerged better at the end than at the beginning. These four ales, laid down through all of 2020, are among those scarce exceptions. Hand blended and bottle-conditioned in 2021, they offer an inimitable taste of what might have been.

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