Lansing Lasciels Kiss
Blonde Ale · 7.6% ABV · ~160 calories
Lansing Brewing Company · Lansing, MI
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Beer Description
Light, crisp, and layered with subtle notes of fruit and spice, Belgian Blondes are dangerously easy to drink. Lasciel (the fallen angel) was a world class temptress, and this beer is fitting for it’s namesake. A malt forward ale that has an upfront sweetness while still dry, with a low level of bitterness; the yeast is the real star here, shining with fruity esters and a mild phenolic spice. It’s said that one kiss from Lasciel was enough to sink the hook in, we believe one sip will have the same effect.
This is the first in Lansing Brewing Company’s Legends & Lore Series.

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