Confluence The Blackberry Apricot Wizard

Fruited Sour · 3.3% ABV

Confluence Brewing Company · Des Moines, IA


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Beer Description

When humans first began brewing beer, the science behind fermentation was not well understood and probably seemed a bit like magic. We now know that around 1000 AD in Goslar, in present day Germany, lactic producing bacteria from the grain and air combined with the salinity of their local water source to help the brewers produce a tart, refreshing brew that we call Gose (GO-zuh). In conjuring up a plan for this beer, we honored that natural sort of magic by culturing lactobacillus to quickly sour the whole batch. The resulting brew retains the magic of the original, with a citrus-like tartness and minerality that awakens and refreshes your palate with each sip. Of course any

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