Caius Caracalla

IPA · 6.7% ABV · ~220 calories

Caius Farm Brewery · Branford CT


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Beer Description

Crafted with American malted barley and white wheat, a touch of flaked oats, specialty German malts, and our house ale yeast, this IPA is soft, juicy, and balanced! It is hopped generously with a blend of American hops, including Citra® and Mosaic®. We taste notes of dank blueberry, candied orange peel, melon, and a hint of pine! It is named after Caracalla (188 – 217 CE), who was a member of the Severan dynasty, and is known for granting Roman citizenship to all people who lived within the Roman empire. His reign was also marked by domestic and foreign instability, which set the stage for the disastrous 3rd century in Roman history.

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