Cigar City Jai Alai with Centennial Hops
IPA · 7.5% ABV · ~220 calories
Cigar City Brewing · Tampa, FL
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Beer Description
Jai Alai – Cigar city brewing American IPA 7.5% ABV 70 IBU APPEARANCE: Pours an attractive deep golden orange, with a nice creamy eggshell colored head that really stuck around. Finally settled into a nice thin halo that left some really great lacing. AROMA: The smell reminds me of my bar ha! Lots of fresh cut citrus fruit and fresh squeezed juices. Even has that piney/woody aroma that my bar has with the huge wood bar top and shelves. Nice amount of malty sweetness that rounds out the bouquet. TASTE: Really follows the nose, like biting into a pieces of toasted bread smothered with a tropical fruit marmalade. Nice amount of piney hop bitterness that I really enjoy. Slight earthy, floral undertone that brings it all together on the backend. MOUTHFEEL: Medium body and Medium carbonation. Nice creaminess that still delivers a slightly sticky feel. Great long tingly bitter finish.

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