Anchor Brotherhood Steam Beer beer

Anchor Brotherhood Steam Beer

California Common · 5.6% ABV · ~170 calories

Anchor Brewing Company (Sapporo) · San Francisco, CA


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Beer Description

A distinct malt bill gives the beer its copper color, and dry-hopping with Citra and Nelson Sauvin hops adds aromatic hints of citrus and mint.

Our friends of Chris Robinson Brotherhood released their new album “Phosphorescent Harvest” and kicked off their U.S. tour in the SF Bay Area earlier this spring. To celebrate, we tapped the first keg of our Brotherhood Steam Beer, a Golden State Collaboration of handcrafted California tunes and handcrafted California brews. Inspired by the brewing tradition of our flagship, Anchor Steam® Beer, Brotherhood Steam Beer is brewed with its own unique recipe. The result is a smooth, full-bodied malt flavor with a lingering, fresh hop finish. A long-standing English brewery tradition is to designate their beers, “Ordinary”, “Best or Special”, and “Extra Special Bitter” (ESB) to note beers of increasing strength. In the spirit of that tradition, we like to think of Brotherhood Steam Beer as an Extra Special Lager (ESL), aka “The Gig Beer” – an easy drinking brew from the first set to encore. This collaborative brew will be tapped at music venues across the US to celebrate the Brotherhood’s new album. Check out “Phosphorescent Harvest” and upcoming CRB tour dates. Click the below links to purchase tickets and Raise Your Anchor to great nights of songcraft and brewcraft with a pint of Brotherhood Steam Beer at a CRB show near you!

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