Lakefront Fixed Gear
Red IPA · 6.8% ABV
Lakefront Brewery · Milwaukee, WI
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Beer Description
Fixed Gear is a big, bold American red IPA. It pours a glaring crimson tone with a rocky white head and a brilliant floral-citrus aroma.
The energy and audacity of the fixed gear courier inspired us to create Fixed Gear®, a big, bold American Red IPA. It pours a
glaring crimson tone with a rocky white head and a brilliant floral-citrus aroma, thanks to an aggressive Centennial, Cascade,
and Chinook dry hopping. Gratuitous amounts of dark caramel malts lend Fixed Gear® its immodest, malty spine, while
Chinook and Cascade hops impart its balanced citrus bite. This one’s got an attitude!

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