Civil Life Gordian Knot
Dunkles Bock 路 6.4% ABV 路 ~260 calories
The Civil Life Brewing Company 路 St. Louis, MO
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Beer Description
In our Big Beer series, we collaborated with Troy Meier of STL Hops fame on a version of his award-winning Gordian Knot Bock homebrew recipe. Once upon a time, there was no king of Phrygia, but an ancient ox-cart was knotted to a post in the capital city Gordium and it was prophesied that whoever could untie the impossible knot would become king. Many had tried and failed. When Alexander the Great arrived in 333 BC, he slashed it apart with his sword and claimed the kingdom. Preferring beer to sword-play, we raise a toast to those of you tangled in a seemingly impossible problem. Amazing blood-red colour. Sturdy malt-sweetness with balanced hop bitterness. Warming but goes down easy. Caramelly and fruity aftertastes.

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