BridgePort Kingpin Double Red Ale beer

BridgePort Kingpin Double Red Ale

American Strong Ale 路 7.5% ABV 路 ~190 calories

BridgePort Brewing Company 路 Portland, OR


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Beer Description

Jeff and his team of brewers also used rye and caramel malt leading to a unique flavor profile; triple-hopped for bitter aroma and a unique dry-hopped character

Kingpin is a full-flavored, red-colored ale that uses a rarely-grown Willamette Valley Hop varietal known as Liberty Hops from fourth generation hop farmer John Annen of Annen Bros. Farm in Silverton, Oregon. Jeff and his team of brewers also used rye and caramel malt leading to a unique flavor profile; triple-hopped for bitter aroma and a unique dry-hopped character.

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