You know the scene. A keg kicks and your heart drops: you have to update your beer menu.
What comes next goes something like this: you go to the office computer and head to Google to find the new beer's description. You search and search, finally find a description you like, then copy and paste it into your Adobe, Canva, Word, or Google Docs menu document. You're done...except now the formatting is screwed up. You fiddle with it until it's finally ready. You push print and take a deep breath.
You're done.
Until you have to do the exact same thing the next day.
It doesn't have to be that way! Read on to learn how to create a professional beer menu template that automatically includes beer descriptions.
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
🤔Like this template but want to make a few changes? Sure thing!
Get started now—you can add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout in a minute.
How do beer menu templates from BeerMenus work?
Anytime you need to update your beer menu, just head to your update menu page on BeerMenus. Click the trash icon to remove the beer that's gone, then start typing the name of the beer you want to add. It’ll show up in the dropdown after just a few letters.
When you click the “Add to menu” button, you send a command to our beer database to retrieve all the information about the new beer—its description, ABV, style, where it's from, etc.—and all that info autofills into your beer menu template.
At that point all you need to do is push print—your menu's ready for your guests!
Here's a video of how it works:
💡 This process works because of our gigantic beer database of over 350,000 beers. All beers in the database include a description as well as all other relevant beer info, so anytime you add a new beer to your BeerMenus page, all that info gets autofilled into your beer menu template. This means your entire beer selection is presented to customers in the best possible way.
🤔Like this template but want to make a few changes? Sure thing!
Get started now—you can add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout in a minute.
What beer information is included on a BeerMenus beer menu template?
All the beer information you need. Here's what we automatically include on your beer menu:
Beer name
Beer description
Beer style
Brewery location
The information that's included on your print menu.
If you don't want to include some piece of information (e.g. no descriptions in order to save space on your menu) you can easily take care of that in your Print Menu settings.
💡 So you know: Our ever-growing beer database contains more than 350,000 different beers, so if you're adding it to your menu, it'll be there. And if for some reason it isn't, you can add a beer to the database (and thus to your beer menu) in just a couple clicks.
Almost all other beer menu template services—like MustHaveMenus and Canva—do not autofill beer information, so if you want to include it, you have to track it down and incorporate it into your menu yourself.
Can I customize my beer menu template?
The level of menu customization is completely based on what you need for your business—we can design a menu for you from scratch (no additional fee) or you can design your menu yourself, taking advantage of one of our professionally designed menu themes:
There are many professionally designed themes you can choose from.
Regardless of whether you want to design your own menu, you'd like us to design one for you (again, no additional charge), or some combination of the two, there are a ton of things you can customize on your BeerMenus Print Menu. Here are a few:
Header banner: add your logo, text, QR code, etc.
Font: choose size and style—we can add your fonts to our font database
Orientation: portrait vs. landscape
Menu section names: e.g. "Personal Favorites," "Minnesota Beers," etc.
Organization: alphabetical, tap numbers, by style, etc.
Number of columns: 1, 2, or 3 columns
If you want to design your menu yourself, just get started below, choose your theme, and get off to the races.
If you'd like us to design your menu from scratch, just schedule a call with a BeerMenus team member.
This is the best route if you have a particular menu design in mind—we can match what you're looking for and have it back to you the very next business day. 🛠️
💡 So you know, when you have a conversation with us it's only that: a conversation. There's no commitment and we won't hound you like a lot of other businesses out there. We obey the golden rule.
Make your menu in 5 minutes: step-by-step
Use these simple steps to print your beer menu in less than 10 minutes.
Step 1: Add your business to BeerMenus:
Step 2: Design your beer menu template
As soon as you get started on BeerMenus, you'll be brought to your Print Menu settings page, where you can preview your beer menu template:
The first view of your menu settings page.
In order to help you design your menu right away, we'll automatically provide you a selection of sample menu items. These free you to hone your template design without having to add your beers first.
Start by selecting from one of our 5 professionally designed menu themes. After that, move through the rest of the settings along the lefthand side of the page to tweak your menu as you'd like it.
There are many professionally designed themes you can choose from.
Step 3: Add your beers to your BeerMenus page
After you're happy with your menu design, navigate to your update menu page by clicking "Update menu items" in the upper left hand corner:
Once you're on your update menu page, just add your beers to your page (this takes 10-15 seconds per beer):
Just start typing the name of the beer you'd like to add. Select it from the dropdown and click "Add to menu."
Note: we can take care of your first menu upload for you. If that'd be helpful, just send an email to with your beer list. (Please be sure to include your business name as well.)
Step 4: Return to your Print Menu settings/preview page
Beneath the blue "Add item to menu" button you'll see the name of the beer menu template you just created. Click "Edit" on the right side:
This will bring you back to your Print Menu settings/preview page. You're doing this quick check to make sure your design turned out the way you wanted. If you need to make a few tweaks, use those settings along the left hand side of the page.
Once your menu looks good, you're ready for step 5:
Step 5: Push print and start using your Print Menu! 🚀
Click the "Print" button in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen. This loads up a full PDF, which you can print just like you would anything else.
Menu examples
Below you'll find a few recent menus folks have made with BeerMenus. If you like one of the designs and want to see it in action at your business, just click on it and get started!
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
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👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Choose this template now and customize it later!
👉 Want to add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout?
Because your menu header is an image file, you have a ton of flexibility to design, brand, and message anything you'd like—you just have to create an image file.
Of course, if you've got some graphic design skills and want to take a crack yourself, go for it! You can learn more about creating custom header images on your print menu settings page (see step 2 in the "Make your menu in 5 minutes: step-by-step" section).
Here are some menu headers we recently designed:
I've got a menu design I want—can BeerMenus match it?
You bet!
Once you share the menu design you'd like to match, our designers migrate the template design over to your business page on BeerMenus. After that, whenever you update your beer list on BeerMenus, your Print Menu will automatically update, meaning all you have to do is click the "print" button.
If you'd like us to take a design pass at your menu, email your menu file (jpeg, png, pdf—whatever's easiest for you) to with subject line "menu match."
We'll get your design back to you within 2 business days.
We do this for a lot of folks, including Bad Daddy's Burger Bar, a national chain. They loved their beer menu design (with good reason) but whenever a beer changed they'd have to rope in their graphic designer, manually update the digital menu file, then send it off to a printer. They reached out to us because they wanted to maintain their high quality design but implement a far simpler menu updating process that could be done right at each location.
Here's the original menu template that they sent over:
They asked us to match that design (and make a few tweaks, e.g. transition to black and white). By the next business day we created this menu for them:
🤔Like this template but want to make a few changes? Sure thing!
Get started now—you can add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout in a minute.
They're now printing menus just like this right at the store level.
You can of course use BeerMenus to make brewery menus, taproom menus, and beer bar menus, but you can also use it to make restaurant menus and pub menus.
In other words, you can create all your menus on BeerMenus—many businesses use BeerMenus to create their full drink menu (include all beverage types), bar menu (include all beverage types plus apps), cocktail menu, and food menu.
(You could even use it to create wedding menus if you wanted. If you're doing that: congratulations!)
You can find step-by-step instructions for adding non beer items in this help doc.
💡 So you know, we handle our wines and spirits like we do our beers: with their own separate databases. So, just like the beers in our beer database, every wine and spirit includes description, ABV, and other info (e.g. where it's produced). That means you can pull all that information over to your wine and spirits menus just as easily as you do on your beer menu.
Here's an example:
🤔Like this template but want to make a few changes? Sure thing!
Get started now—you can add your logo, change the color/font, or adjust the layout in a minute.
In addition to Print Menus, BeerMenus offers two other automated on-premises menu formats: TV and QR Code Menus.
Each menu update pushes to all your active menu formats in real time. If you use Print Menus, TV Menus, and QR Code Menus, then all your menus will update in real time with that single update.
TV Menus
BeerMenus TV Menus are easy to set up, reliable, very easy to maintain, and extremely customizable. They’re also just a great way to showcase a top-notch craft beer menu. (Here’s a full TV Menu overview.)
They’re powered through an Amazon Fire TV stick and take ~5 minutes to set up. Once it’s up and running, you can update it in seconds from anywhere.
You can completely customize the look and feel of your digital beer menu with textures, patterns, fonts, logos, and branding. Designs range from rustic to modern and can include logos, specials, social media call-outs, watermarks, events, and more. Basically, if you want to include it, you can.
Here are a few examples:
QR Code Menus
QR Code Menus provide you a ton of menu flexibility, since they free you from having to worry about fitting your menu items on a certain number of pages. They also save you on printing costs and headaches. (Here's a full QR Code Menu overview.)
QR Code Menus from BeerMenus are unique in the space because they:
Autofill beer info like ABV, description, and more
Bring customers to a scrollable, menu-only, mobile-optimized web page rather than a PDF or a non-menu optimized page. (Which are your options with Untappd for Business.)
To use it, simply print off your unique QR code from your BeerMenus page. There are 3 different designs to choose from. Here's one example:
Post the codes on your tables, bartop, in front of the urinal, etc. Your customers can simply open up the camera app on their phones and point it at the code to see your menu.
And the menu they're brought to is designed and built specifically for this purpose. It's unique, it's customizable, and you can include all your menus (including your food) in this one place, all of it accessible.
BeerMenus pricing is modular (i.e. it depends on what tools you’d like to use). Month-to-month options range from $49/month to $99/month and annual plans are $499/year to $599/year.
Rates for restaurant groups and other special situations (e.g. nonprofits) are available.
Who is BeerMenus?
We're a group of beer loving folks who've been connecting bars, restaurants, beer stores, and breweries with beer lovers across the world. We've been doing that since 2009 and aren't stopping anytime soon.
If you want to read more about how and why we got started, check out our founding story.