Why great beer menus include beer descriptions, ABVs, style, and brewery location
Last updated November 30, 2021
By Dylan Blake
You already did what you assumed was the hardest part: you built an awesome craft beer program. You get hard-to-get kegs, you advertise well on social media and elsewhere, and customers seem happy when they're drinking their beer.
But still, your beer sales aren't as high as you'd like them to be.
What's going on?
The answer is your beer menu.
A great beer menu—with beer descriptions—makes it easier for customers to find the right beer for them. It speeds up their ordering, so that they spend more time drinking (and buying your beer) and less time deciding on which beer to drink.
That time savings adds up, so that by the end of the night those customers have had one or maybe two more beers than they otherwise would have.
Just like that, your beer sales finally climb to where you want them to be.
Read on to learn how to use BeerMenus to create an awesome beer menu—beer descriptions included—with just one click.
🚀 I'm ready to make my beer menu now!
Create your beer menu in under 5 minutes.
Imagine a great food menu. What information does it include?
Menu items that are available
Description of the menu item, highlighting anything noteworthy
A few other things might come up, but those are the essentials.
Now imagine a great beer menu. What information does it include?
Your answer should be identical.
Descriptions, ABV, style, and brewery location are at this point essential information. Including them on your beer menu makes it much easier for customers to choose the beer that's right for them.
And if they have an easy time ordering once, chances are they'll do it again.
Read on to learn how bars, restaurants, and breweries across North America use BeerMenus to create beer menus with full beer information in just a couple clicks.
By using BeerMenus to create your beer menus, you take advantage of our database of 250,000+ beers to automatically include beer descriptions, brewery location, beer style, and ABV on your beer menus.
Including this information will drive up your beer sales.
In fact, one of our partners found that providing a beer menu that included descriptions, ABV, beer style, and brewery location increased her average check size by $12.
That's $12 on every single check in her restaurant. I don't have to tell you that's a meaningful amount of money.
How to include beer descriptions on your beer menu with one click
**Step 1: Add your business to BeerMenus
Step 2: Add your beers to your menu.
Just start typing the name of the beer you'd like to add. Select it from the dropdown and click "Add to menu." Repeat this process to add all your beers.
Note: We'd be thrilled to add your beers for you! Just send an email to support@beermenus.com with your beer list. (Oh, and please be sure to include your business name as well!)
Step 3: Preview your beer menu template
Beneath the blue "Add item to menu" button you'll see an area with your print menu. Click "Edit":
This will launch your Print Menu preview. You're basically doing this to make sure the design of your menu looks good. If you need to make a few tweaks, use the design settings along the left hand side of the page.
If your menu looks good, you're ready for step 4:
Step 4: Push print and start using your print menu! 🚀
Click the "Print" button in the bottom lefthand corner of the screen. This loads up a full PDF, which you can print just like you would anything else.
Menu maintenance
Whenever you need to update your menu, just visit your BeerMenus page, remove the beer that's gone, then add the new beer (as outlined in step 2 above). After that, push "Print" and you're all set!