An American Pale Ale Brewer with Cascade, Ammarillo hops and two pounds of grapefruit zest per barrel. This beer is best drank fresh when it’s aroma is at its peak.
With a massive malt bill and a touch of rye for a snappy finish, Muscleman is a true west coast IPA. Cascade, Centennial and Simcoe hops provide a robust spice
The Strongman is a 101 IBY triple India Pale Ale. Resinous Chinook hops provide a base of bitterness, accompanied by citrusy Cascade to round out a hearty malt profile
The Strongman is a 101 IBY triple India Pale Ale. Resinous Chinook hops provide a base of bitterness, accompanied by citrusy Cascade to round out a hearty malt profile.