Godspeed Brewery

Toronto, ON

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All beers · Godspeed Brewery

  • Godspeed Kemuri

    Smoked Beer · 4.7% ABV

    Smoked Porter. Dark Chocolate meets fire roasted coffee beans.
  • Godspeed Haru

    Maibock · 6.4% ABV

    A noble hop profile presents up front in the mode of fresh cut grass and spice atop a rich malt character - dense coffee cake and a hint of hazelnut will come to mind. Haru finishes with a clean and rounded flourish
  • Godspeed Sklepnik V Oceli

    Czech Pilsner · 4.4% ABV

  • Godspeed Fuyu

    Barleywine · 9.5% ABV

    Rich malt sweetness but still relatively dry for the style. Balanced hoppiness.
  • Godspeed Kurayami

    Oatmeal Stout · 5.2% ABV

  • Godspeed Mondai

    IPA · 5.7% ABV

    Kristall IPA. Citrusy aromatics. Clean & balanced bitterness.
  • Godspeed Oberkassel

    Altbier · 4.6% ABV

    Outside of weizen, altbier is one of the only traditional ales left in Germany. Our take on this ancient style leans hoppier than the average Dusseldorfer’s, but still sits squarely within the style. Dark fruit, and faint but fragrant citrus
  • Godspeed Ochame Green Tea

    IPA · 6.8% ABV

    Old world IPA w/ French & German hops and Japanese Green Tea.
  • Godspeed Otsukaresama

    Dortmunder · 4.8% ABV

    German malt, German hops, Canadian water...
  • Godspeed Sklepnik: Pitch Lined

    Czech Pilsner · 4.4% ABV

    Our newly revamped version of this beer conditioned in 40hL pitch-lined barrels from Pilsner Urquell. Double decocted and naturally carbonated.
  • Godspeed Svetly Lezak 12

    Pale Lager · 5.0% ABV

  • Godspeed Yuzu

    Saison · 4.1% ABV

    Beginning as a saison and finishing as something more enigmatic, Yuzu combines Japanese citrus and Belgian yeast, with restrained hopping to create a light, lively beer accentuated by mild tartness...
  • Godspeed Bůh Originální Ležák

    Pale Lager · 4.6% ABV

    Using a double decoction mash process, 12 week lagering time, 100% whole cone Saaz hops, and speciality-sourced floor malted pilsner malt, Bůh (meaning God) is our most elegant lager to date. On the nose, it’s all gentle Saaz spice aromatics that play
  • Godspeed Gokurosama

    Kolsch · 4.7% ABV

    Clean and crisp with hints of fruit (apple, pear) and honey.

About the brewery

The beer, the food, the space. Godspeed is all about refined simplicity.

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