A classic American India Pale. Its generous caramel malt and barley notes contrast with the mix of west coast hops, resulting in an aggressive, but well balanced, beer.
In the fourth offering in our Wildwood Sour series, this kettle sour is one part of a split batch and features 100% real blackberry and real sage processed in house...
This is one of our special beers made in limited quantities. It’s a lighter body dark beer with lots of complex malty tastes for you to enjoy on a cold winter night.
Deep copper with medium white head and nice lacing. Aroma of citrus (lemon) and caramel. Light body with disappointing hop bitterness based on aroma, caramel notes, and a slight bitter finish.
A traditionally brewed brown ale with a malt forward flavor and a comforting roasted chocolate malt finish that lingers on the palate. No nuts in this brew; it gets its name from the street it was conceived on.
A German Marzen style beer lagered in our cold room for 2 months. This beer is fall in a pint!Copper color with a white head. Aroma contains some caramel, citrus, and herbal notes...