Mill St. Brewery

Scarborough, ON

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All beers · Mill St. Brewery

  • Mill St. Cobblestone

    Dry Stout · 4.2% ABV

    Our black stout has a roasted malt flavour and a hint of toasted walnuts and choclate in the finish.
  • Mill St. Coffee Porter

    Porter · 5.5% ABV

    Our porter is rich and robust, dark brown in colour with a dark roasted coffee nose, imparting an intense coffee flavour with notes of chocolate.
  • Mill St. 100th Meridian

    Vienna Lager · 5.0% ABV

    Brewed with organic prairie malt and Bravo and Cascade hops, our 100th Meridian Organic Amber Lager is firmly grounded in North American brewing tradition...
  • Mill St. Lemon Tea

    Spiced Beer · 5.0% ABV

    A remarkable wheat beer infused with a blend of Orange Pekoe and Earl Grey teas.
  • Mill St. Cobblestone Nitro

    Dry Stout · 4.2% ABV

    We produce a traditional styled Irish Stout that is served using beer gas to produce that familiar creamy pour...
  • Mill St. Ginger Beer

    Spiced Beer · 5.0% ABV

    Ginger Beer was first produced in England in the18th century and was popular amounst ocean-going sailors on long journeys to the colonies...
  • Mill St. Organic Lager

    Pale Lager · 4.2% ABV

    We think it's a perfect complement to your healthy lifestyle and exceptional taste.
  • Mill St. Vanilla Porter

    Porter · 5.0% ABV

    Mill Street Vanilla Porter has been a cult favorite in our brewpubs every winter for the past four years.
  • Mill St. West Coast Style IPA

    IPA · 6.6% ABV

    Our new flagship West Coast IPA. Come try this amazing brew! A blond, unfiltered beer, brewed with pale barley and wheat malts, partially soured mash and aged in toasted French oak...
  • Mill St. Barley Wine

    Barleywine · 11.5% ABV

    Sweet with lots of caramel, vanilla, nutmeg, raisins, plums, and very little booze. Taste is of lots of roasted malts, licorice, caramel and a good dose of alcohol
  • Mill St. Belgian Wit White

    Belgian Ale · 5.2% ABV

    Mill Street Belgian Style Wit is a refreshing beer made with a unique blend of ingredients...
  • Mill St. Black Watch

    Scotch Ale · 5.1% ABV

    Pours a clear orangey dark brown with modest light tan head. Aroma is toffee, peaty grains and fruit. Flavour is toffee, light nuttiness and peat with a bit of fruitiness.
  • Mill St. Blueberry

    Wheat Ale · 5.0% ABV

    Walker's Blueberry Wheat - Canadian twist on Classic Belgian-style ale...
  • Mill St. Doppel Pils

    Pilsner · 7.0% ABV

    Mill Street’s version of a Czech-style Pilsner lager with more of everything in it - malt, hops and alcool ! ("Doppel" means "double" in German)...
  • Mill St. Ginger Cat

    Spiced Beer · 5.0% ABV

    This is a Mill Street twist on an old Belgian-style witbier or “white beer” made with raw and malted wheat along with orange peel and candied stem ginger added in the brewing process...
  • Mill St. Grapefruit League

    Double IPA · 7.0% ABV

    A 7% abv ale brewed using Cascade hops that impart a strong grapefruit-like aroma and flavour.
  • Mill St. Green Parrot Holiday

    IPA · 5.0% ABV

    West Coast IPA.
  • Mill St. Nightmare on Millstreet

    Spiced Beer · 5.0% ABV

    "brewed with real pumpkin in the mash along with a number of spices to make a sunset-coloured wheat beer that is perfect for the fall"
  • Mill St. Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest · 5.5% ABV

    A hazed amber marzen with a thin white head. In aroma, nice grassy malt with floral green hops. In mouth, a smooth crisp malt with nice biscuitty notes, floral grassy hops, very British. Dry hopped.
  • Mill St. Paradise

    IPA · 7.2% ABV

    First brewed at our Ottawa Brewpub and named after the stunning Pacific coast scenery of its homeland, this traditional American-style IPA uses a blend of 5 malts from 3 countries along with a shoc...
  • Mill St. Royal Stinger Honey

    Blonde Ale · 5.0% ABV

    A golden ale brewed using honey from the beehives located in the Fairmont Royal York’s roof garden and apiary.
  • Mill St. Stargazer

    Ordinary Bitter · 4.1% ABV

    This is a classic summer ale typical of the light ales made in England for the short summer months...
  • Mill St. Vanilla Porter Nitro

    Porter · 5.0% ABV

    Aroma of vanilla and chocolate. Taste of coffee and cherries. Palate is smooth and a light for a porter.

About the brewery

We’re Toronto’s first commercial brewery to open in more than 100 years, producing handcrafted beers in a neighbourhood once renowned for its beer. Please come down to our BrewPub to try one of our 16 beers on tap or ask for it in your favourite bar or restaurant. Mill Street brews can be found at the Beer Store and the LCBO

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