Obec Brewing

Ballard, Seattle

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More beers · Obec Brewing

Right now, no nearby places on BeerMenus have these beers

  • Obec Czech Pils

    Czech Pilsner · 5.0% ABV

    Our flagship beer, the Czech pils pours a rich golden color...
  • Obec Nosh Doom

    IPA · 6.5% ABV

    American IPA
  • Obec Porter #3

    Porter · 5.8% ABV

    Our porter has a distinct-yet-smooth roasted chocolate, light coffee flavor, nicely balanced with the mild hop nose characteristic of premium noble hops. This ale is medium-bodied, lightly sweet, and quite dark with ruby-red tints around the edges.
  • Obec Summer Saison

    Farmhouse Ale · 6.8% ABV