Wise Bird Cider

Lexington, KY

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All beers · Wise Bird Cider

  • Wise Bird Blueberry Mint

    Cider · 6.9% ABV

    Our Heirloom cider apples aged on blueberries and infused with a syrup made from fresh, local mint.
  • Wise Bird Commonwealth

    Cider · 6.7% ABV

  • Wise Bird Harrison

    Dry Cider · 8.4% ABV

    Earthy aromas, tannic and cidery. Prized American cider apple.
  • Wise Bird Hewe's Crab

    Dry Cider · 9.0% ABV

    Intense character and flavor. Notes of spice, nut & honey with a tannic finish.
  • Wise Bird Pomme Pomme

    Cider · 7.6% ABV

    Notes of baked apple & vanilla. Blend of Albemarle Pippin & Gold Rush apples. A fan favorite!
  • Wise Bird Rosè

    Semi-Sweet Cider · 7.1% ABV

    Sparkling apple grape wine blends hard cider with KY proud Chambourcin grapes. Notes of red berries and ripe fruit
  • Wise Bird Royal Red

    Semi-Sweet Cider · 7.4% ABV

    Semi-dry, unfiltered, (1.3% RS), 7.4% ABV. Winesap, also named the "Royal Red of Kentucky" and a touch of Harrison create a crowd-pleasing cider with notes of tropical fruit and apple blossom.
  • Wise Bird Short Stories

    Cider · 9.0% ABV

    Our Short Stories collection combines the odds and ends of late season heirloom cider apples from the regional orchards with whom we partner...

About the brewery

Wise Bird Cider’s origin story is closely tied to the early days of Tim and Greta’s courtship and a combination of drinking cider, playing Scrabble, late night games of ping pong and numerous road trips exploring the craft cider, wine and beer of the Blue Ridge Mountains. What started as a “hobby” while they were living in Washington, DC working insane jobs and spending hours of their day in traffic later became an obsession. Family vacations turned into excuses to visit cideries and take cidermaking classes. One book turned into a collection. One kitchen cabinet of equipment turned into all of the kitchen cabinets. After winning a silver and bronze metal at the Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition (GLINTCAP), they decided to make the jump. So they sold their house, packed their bags, put the new baby in his carseat, and moved to Lexington to make a better way of life for themselves, be close to family in town, and start Wise Bird Cider.

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