Brewed with 100% grown and malted Chillum, Light Munich, and Pilsner malts from our dear friends Rabbit Hill Farms and hopped with Mittelfrüh, Saaz and a touch of Magnum, our Festbier is brewed for...
Balanced. Citrusy. Bright. Perfectly Cromulent IPA is brewed with 100% locally grown and malted Rabbit Hill Farms Pilsner and Wheat malts with a single decoction, hopped with Motueka and Citra...
Classic. Local. Clean.
Wander Back Lager is brewed with 100% locally grown and malted Rabbit Hill Farms Pilsner malt with a single decoction, Mittelfrüh and Saaz hops, and appropriately lagered for many moons. Wander Back to a classic Helles Lager.
Classic. Local. Clean. Brewed with 100% locally grown and malted Rabbit Hill Farms Pilsner malt with a single decoction, Mittelfrüh and Saaz hops, and appropriately lagered for many moons...