Bellevue, WA
Amber Ale · 5.7% ABV
Scotch Ale · 8.5% ABV
Scotch Ale · 7.7% ABV
Triple IPA · 12.2% ABV
American Pale Ale · 4.8% ABV
Witbier · 5.5% ABV
Black IPA · 7.2% ABV
Pilsner · 5.0% ABV
7.7% ABV
ESB · 5.6% ABV
American Pale Ale · 6.6% ABV
IPA · 6.6% ABV
IPA · 6.9% ABV
Malt Liquor · 8.0% ABV
Oatmeal Stout · 5.8% ABV
Rye IPA · 6.2% ABV
6.1% ABV
IPA · 4.7% ABV
American Pale Ale · 5.2% ABV
Amber Ale · 8.3% ABV
Lambic - Fruit · 6.3% ABV
On January 26, 2010, the entity to be known as the Bellevue Brewing Company was formed. During the following two years, John and Scott worked diligently to create a solid business model, identify the real estate, design the brewery, procure the necessary licenses, and, most importantly, assemble the best brewing team possible.
On Decemember 10th, 2012, the Bellevue Brewing Company opened its doors, the good people of Bellevue rejoiced, and a calm settled over the land. Now, and forevermore, Bellevue has a locally-owned craft brewery to call its own.