Einbecker Brauhaus AG

Einbeck, Germany

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More beers · Einbecker Brauhaus AG

Right now, no nearby places on BeerMenus have these beers

  • Einbecker NA

    Non-Alcoholic · 0.3% ABV

    A real Einbecker Brauherren, brewed in the Pilsener style, whereby the alcohol is carefully extracted after maturing.
  • Einbecker Ur-Bock Dunkel

    Dunkel · 6.5% ABV

    True to its classic design Einbecker Ur-Bock Dunkel is tawny to dark brown, with a dry, very intense malt character and a long hoppy finish. Both its intense maltiness and hop bitterness show distinctly in the nose.
  • Einbecker Mai Ur Bock

    Maibock · 6.5% ABV

    Germany’s original Maibock. An amber hued brew with a fluffy off-white head, and honeyed toffee malt aroma...
  • Einbecker Pils

    Pilsner · 4.9% ABV

    Einbecker Pilsener Premium is a top-quality Pilsener beer from Einbecker Brauhaus.
  • Einbecker Brauherren Pilsner

    Pilsner · 4.9% ABV

    The perfect composition of the best hops and selected fine malts bring the classic bitter character of Einbecker Brewery Premium Pils to mature perfection.
  • Einbecker Schwarzbier

    Schwarzbier · 4.9% ABV

    A bottom-fermented specialty black bier with a mild taste, brewed with aromatic barley malt and mild aroma hops.
  • Einbecker Brauherren Unfiltered Pilsner

    Pilsner · 6.7% ABV

    A very special unfiltered pilsner bock brewed in celebration of the 500th anniversary of Germany’s famous beer purity law, the Reinheitsgebot...
  • Einbecker Brauherren Alkoholfrei

    Low Alcohol · 0.3% ABV

    A real Einbecker Brauherren, brewed in the Pilsener style, whereby the alcohol is carefully extracted after maturing.
  • Einbecker Premium Pils

    Pilsner · 4.9% ABV

    Einbecker Brauherren Pils is the slightly tangy Premium-Pils-specialty from Einbecker Brauhaus AG, which is highly regarded by both Pils lovers and real connoisseurs...
  • Einbecker Ainpöckisch Bier 1378

    Bock · 6.7% ABV

    Naturally cloudy and full-bodied – Genuine strong beer enjoyment...
  • Einbecker Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest · 6.8% ABV

    A bottom-fermented specialty with a mild taste, brewed with aromatic barley malt and mild aroma hops.