Tastes like any light beer: almost no taste. The only possible advantage over other light beers is that there was none of the unpleasant sourness characterizing macro-brews.....
A perfect blend of malt, hops, yeast and water with a distinctive flavor and aroma of spicy grapefruit and soft smoke that will leave you begging for more!
A new style of beer is our East Coast Bitter! a style of our own. This beer combines the malt flavors of the East Coast with a subtle English hop balance.
40 IBU
Our west-coast IPA offering is an homage to everything that makes the style great: bold hop flavor, aggressive citrus bite, and it recently got involved in a rap war...
A deep amber ale, brewed with 8 types of malted barley and 2 varieties of hops. Very drinkable with a slight caramel sweetness and a subtle bitter finish. Compare to: Sam Adams, Killian’s Red