Jopen Adriaan is made as a lighter version of a gruit beer. Gruit is a medieval herbal mixture of which sweet gale is the most characteristic. Brewers used this gruit before hops were introduced...
Until 2008 brewed by Huyghe. Until 2006 brewed by Van Steenberge. Jopen 4 Grains Bokbeer is made as a ruby red beer made with the three traditional Haarlem grain and rye as a forth grain...
Loads of fruity aroma hops to give the beer a fruity resiny flavour. Spicy juniper berries and fresh sliced grapefruit added, then we aged it on cedarwood.
This collaboration beer between Jopen and Lervig breweries is brewed to honor a brewing grain that both breweries love: RYE. Think of this as a rye wine...
Rye Beer style beer brewed by Jopen Bier BV Haarlem in Haarlem, Netherlands. Amber, 5.3% alcohol and a generous hand hops provide a spicy, dry and spicy hopped through drinker...