Winter Lager Collaboration
Everybody has their favorite way to warm up when winter weather arrives; naturally we turn to beer! Mulling spices give this mild mannered lager a burst of holiday fla...
Pours a slightly hazy yellow gold with a creamy white head. Aroma is slightly funky with some lemons and citrus. Flavor is fresh and clean. Nice funkiness but not overbearing.
This ale delivers big, malty wheat flavor with a side of roasted barley. Brewed using our decoction technique, adding more of a sweet flavor and contributing to color formation...
Originally a yeast propagation beer, we decided to leave this on tap due to customer demand! A classic light American lager taste, craft beer style! No adjuncts (filler) was used in the production ...
Otherwise known as a Cascadian Dark Ale, this IPA is black in color but light on the roast flavor. Dehusked German Carafa malt provides the color and a slight bitter-sweet chocolate flavor...
This beer utilizes specialty imported Belgian malts which provide a smooth malty flavor, with notes of caramel plumbs. European hops provide a clean, smooth bitterness and a spicy floral aroma...