Western Son Distillerly

Pilot Point Texas

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More spirits · Western Son Distillerly

Right now, no nearby places on BeerMenus have these spirits

  • Western Son Raspberry Vodka

    Vodka · 30.0% ABV

    Soft burgundy coloring with the intense scent of raspberry jam and freshly picked berries. Light and crisp with a semi-sweet enduring flavor.
  • Western Son Screwdriver Sipper

    Vodka · 40.0% ABV

    1.5 oz Western Son Original Vodka .75 oz Licor 43 3 oz Orange juice Garnish with orange
  • Western Son Vodka

    Vodka · 40.0% ABV

    Strawberry, Lemon, Lime, Raspberry, Prickly Pear, Blueberry, Peach, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Cucumber, and Original