Renzo Masi Winery

Tuscany, Italy

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  • Renzo Masi Rufina Chianti

    Chianti · 13.0% ABV

    This medium-bodied, well-balanced wine is approachable and aromatic, with classic Chianti aromas of violet and wonderful cherry fruit flavors. It finishes with spicy hints of wild cherry and hazelnut.

    134.1 miles away at Pies & Pints Charleston · See all places

More wines · Renzo Masi Winery

Right now, no nearby places on BeerMenus have these wines

  • Renzo Masi Chianti Riserva

    Red Wine · 13.5% ABV

    Aged two years in oak, this Chianti greets you with bold red fruit and then finishes with a dynamic spice character from the oak aging.
  • Renzo Masi La Bastarda Pinot Grigio

    Pinot Grigio · 12.5% ABV

    Light straw-yellow in color with a greenish tinge. This wine has a rich nose with apple, pear and tropical fruit notes. On the palate, it is fresh, with lively acidity and a crisp finish.