Sixpoint Spice of Life Cascade
IPA · 6.8% ABV · ~220 calories
Sixpoint Brewery · Brooklyn, NY
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Beer Description
The Sixpoint Spice of Life series is a celebration of one of the most popular but obscure plants on the planet – the hop. In this series, we release a new iteration of the same recipe every month- a total of 12 iterations per year. The recipe is for a straightforward American style IPA- brewed with only two different malts, a single hop varietal, and is fermented dry to accentuate hop flavor and aroma. We brew the exact same recipe every time with one interesting catch- each time we switch the hop strain. This method of adjusting one variable is called a “controlled experiment.” But more important, it allows you to appreciate exactly how a different strain of hops can influence the flavor and aroma of beer!

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