Big Rock Scottish Heavy
Scotch Ale · 7.0% ABV · ~150 calories
Big Rock Brewery · Okotoks, Alberta
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Beer Description
A beautiful malt flavour warms the palate with a complex mix of toffee, caramel, vanilla and a hint of peat.
Faced with long winter nights, Scots are like to seek courage in fine whiskey and strong ale. But where does the Canadian turn for a warm belly on a snowy evening? Ach, no less to the “wee heavy,” a strong Scottish ale aged slowly in oak and emboldened with strong flavours and full body fit for hearty drinkers. “Heavy” is no mere moniker, though Brewmaster Paul chose to temper his ale’s strength to a sensible 7%, leaving a bonnie 92% for flavour. And 1% for your Scottish brogue. Tak’ a wee swallaw an’ see.

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