Williams Brothers Fraoch Heather Ale
Traditional Ale · 5.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Williams Brothers Brewing Company · Clackmannanshire, UK
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Beer Description
Fraoch is Scotland’s native ale. Fraoch is Gaelis for "Heather’. Heather ale has been brewed in Scotland for four thousand years and is the oldest style of ale still made in the world. The Picts who ruled Scotland until the 9th century were known to brew the legendary heather ale, these ‘people of the designs’ were the creators of the artistic style of our label. Scotland has ten million acres of wild flowering heather, this natural resource being used to produce ales until the 18th Century when British legislation forced Scottish Brewers to conform to the international use of hops. This ale is produced to a 16th Century Scots-Gaelic recipe from malted barley ‘bree’, sweet gale and heather flowers. The hot ale is infused in heather flowers before being fermented in copper tuns. Fraoch has a floral, peaty aroma, full malt body, a spicy herbal flavour and a dry wine like finish – Slainte

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