Baladin Xyauyu beer

Baladin Xyauyu

13.5% ABV

Birrificio Agricolo Baladin · Piozzo, Italy


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Beer Description

A beer brewed and matured to 13.5% ABV going to 14.5% in next productions.
Malts: Pilsner Durst, aromatic Dingemans, caramunich 140 Dingemans. Hops: Hallertau Hernsbrucker, Spalt Select and East Kent Golding.
Brewing process: the wort is hyperconcentrated then boiled for two hous and half. Primary fermentation for 25 in steel vessels. Then after a sterile filtration (to eliminate primary yeast strains) the beer is transfered in a steel vessel with transparent membrane and a “oxygen hat”. Afeter several tasting from 6 to 24 months later (it depends on the oxidation velocity, very inconsistant!) the brewer decides when it’s time to bottle in 50cl. champagne shape bottles with good quality cork. The production is very limited. Three productions brewed during two years will be available from October 2006.

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