Empyrean Carpe Brewem Nibbed in the Barrel Oatmeal Stout beer

Empyrean Carpe Brewem Nibbed in the Barrel Oatmeal Stout

Stout · 7.4% ABV · ~210 calories

Empyrean Brewing Company · Lincoln, NE


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Beer Description

At Empyrean we know how awesome chocolate and stout flavors are together, so every year we experiment with different methods, types of chocolate and different
stout recipes. This year we’re proud to offer Nibbed Oatmeal Stout. We took a chewy, strong oatmeal stout and after fermenting “dry-nibbed” the beer with cacao
nibs for 12 days. Cacao nibs are raw unprocessed chocolate and we feel they impart the best chocolate character to the beer.

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