Josh Hurst, industry veteran and Director of Operations and Hospitality for Pies & Pints, has dealt with a ton of distributors in his time. With 13 locations in six different states he's managed to hone in on a few key strategies for effectively managing distributor relationships.
Josh shared these strategies with us in a recent interview. Here are the key takeaways:
Check out these short interview clips for more color and advice from Josh!
Watch interview clipsEvery week I take a look at the top-10 trending beers on from the previous 7 days. Last week included St. Patrick's Day, so unsurprisingly the trending list was dominated by Irish (or Irish-ish) beers.
Here's the top 10 list, from #1 to #10:
Lots of usual suspects on the list, but I've gotta say it's cool to see Green Man Brewery duking it out with Guinness and the like!
Note: The extent to which a beer "trends" is based on the week-over-week increase in views to its beer page on So if a lot more people view the beer this week than last, it would be trending.