Elegant and rustic, and full of complex flavors, berries, spice, and a hint of nuttiness, this is a great beer to share with friends on a special occasion.
La Forêt Noire is a reddish-black ale brewed with a mixture of malts which give it real body and depth - a color and texture reminiscent of chocolate torte.
This wheat ale contain 50% raw wheat and 50% barley malt. The raw wheat is locally poduced at the foot of the Jura montains where the brewery stands...
Née de la rencontre fortuite d’une stout forte et d’une fermentation d’abricots du Valais qui jamais n’atteignit l’alambic du distillateur auquel elle était destinée, notre Oud Bruin (flamand pour ...
This collaboration beer with Jester King of Texas and Crooked Stave of Colorado, showcases the unique mixed culture of yeast and brewing bacteria used at Brasserie Trois Dames...
Rapsberry double aged in oak barrels for one year with Jalapenos. Trois Dames is using some Brettanomyces strains and Saison yeast, fermented in a foudre.
This beer is spicy, lightly sour and refreshing. It is a blend of a strong double wit aged in wood for six months and a freshly brewed saison type ale.
Raphael Mettler advantage of his experience in the United States and Canada to benefit Brewery Three Ladies of exceptional properties of hops range now offers ales, stouts and ipas marked the paw of the brewer. Encouraged by the growing popularity of these beers in Switzerland, he creates the IPA which is now the pride of the Brasserie with its bold taste perfectly mastered.