This blonde ale is a complex beer, marked by fragrances of grapefruit and spice (cloves). These aromas are also present on the palate, where they combine with hints of malt...
Posca Rustica has a unique, aromatic and spicy character and certainly is the sweetest beer from this brewery famous for its fully attenuated, dry beers.
French for "Two Friends," Deux Amis brings together two esteemed brewers who have long admired each other's work—Olivier Dedeycker, fourth generation Master Brewer at Brasserie Dupont and Tomme Art...
"Les Bons Voeux" means "best wishes," which is what Brasserie Dupont sends with this very special saison ale traditionally brewed only for the holidays. It is now brewed for year-round enjoyment...
The Bons Vœux is a blond top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.
Bons Vœux is coppery blond, has very fine hoparomas and tastes bitter, fruity and mild...
Speciale Belge (Brasserie DuPont and Iron Hill) combines the talent of master brewer Olivier Dedeycker of Brasserie DuPont with the expertise of our own Chris LaPierre, Tom Peters of Monk’s Café an...
Moinette Brune is the roasted malt version of the beloved Moinette Blonde. With gently sweet, almost fruity bouquet, full malt body and dry bracing finish.
Deux Amis has the trademark flavor of Dupont’s signature peppery yeast accentuated with vibrant notes of tropical fruit—grapefruit, passion fruit, and mandarin.
A top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle.The finest aromas and a strong bitterness transform this beer into a thirst-quenchener with no equal.
Every year, Dupont’s Master Brewer, Olivier Dedeycker, makes a special dry-hopped version of the brewery’s world famous Saison Dupont, allowing him to incorporate a different hop variety each seaso...
The brewery Dupont is co-writer of a real part of the Belgian beer history.
Situated in Tourpes (Leuze-en-Hainaut), in the centre of West-Hainaut, and incorporated in an old farm, originally dating from 1759, the brewing has been going on since 1844. The brewery is an independant business, runned by the family Dupont, specialised in the production of beers with refermentation in the bottle.