A collaboration brew between Brasserie Dunham and Andreas Kissmeyer. An IPA hopped with Nelson Sauvin (amongst other hops), and also brewed with Earl Grey tea and guava purée.
Ale ruby-black American inspiration, combining the freshness of American Chinook and Centennial hops to the richness of English Marris Otter malt, crystal, amber and roasted...
Our imperial version of our Black IPA. Heavily hopped to 117 IBU’s with Centennial, Colombus, Nugget and Cascade hops. Notre version impériale de notre Black IPA...
A collaboration with Cambridge Brewing co. Wheat Grisette brewed exclusively with local malts and Luskville hop, a wild hop breed from Lupuline hopyard in Outaouais and fermented with Brett Drei...
This particular beer has had a very fruity IPA poured in, once the bacteria interacts with the hoppy fruitiness it can create something really magical.
Collaboration with le Vignoble de l’Orpailleur. Blend of Triple XXX(2), Dunham Pils and Ice Wine must from l’Orpailleur, fermented alltogether with their own yeasts...
Assemblage de Cyclope Talus (IPA au houblon Talus) à du moût de pomme en fermentation, affiné 9 mois en barrique. Élaboré en collaboration avec Chemin des Sept.
Hazy golden pour with a thin white head. The nose is very smoky and slightly earthy. Has a clean well-lagered base along with a rich lingering smokiness...
Our Saison du Pinacle aged in Cabernet Sauvignon barrels with Brettanomyces flora.
Intense aromas of apricots and peaches on a stable background! The Citra, Simoe, Topaz and Sylva hops completely transformed by the passage in barrels